About us

Learn more about the Alulbayt foundation

About the foundation

How we started and where we are going.

How we started?

Alulbayt (as) Foundation was established in 1983 in the holy city of Qom, Iran. The foundation has a number of branches worldwide, including in the holy cities of Najaf, Karbala and Mashad, and also in Istanbul, Madrid, Moscow, Tbilisi, and London. Each branch has its own role, propagating the pristine teachings of the Ahlulbayt (as), and serving the needs of their local community.

The works of the Alulbayt (as) Foundation in Londoncommenced in the year 2001, under the guidance of His Eminence Sayed Javad Shahrestani the representative of the Grand Ayatollah Sayed al-Sistani, with a range of programs for all age groups, and a particular focus on the youth.

Registered charity & UN Status

Alulbayt Foundation has been established as a registered charity (Charity No: 1085713), since its inception in 2001. Moreover, the premises of the Foundation serve the religious and social needs of the community by functioning as a registered place of meeting for religious worship and functions.

Central to the Foundation’s mission is firm belief that the culture of human rights and religious freedom must be promoted and respected globally. In its capacity as a non-governmental institution and as a registered member of the United Nations with ECOSOC status, the Foundation strivesto address pertinent socio-cultural issues, such as interfaith networks, countering-extremists narratives, and youth empowerment. In addition, the Foundation devotes considerable efforts in order to improve sectarian relations among different Muslim communities in the United Kingdom.

This is

What we do

please get in touch for any assistance or advice or further inquiries.


The range of activities at the Foundation include congregational prayers every Friday, classes to prepare pilgrims visiting holy sites, prayer services and educational programs throughout the year, and providing support to families suffering bereavement. The Foundation also represents the activities of scholastic and cultural centres related to the affiliated offices in the holy city of Najaf and Qom.

Website and social media

In addition to popular Islamic multimedia, such as lectures, supplication and Quran recitation, the homepage of the Foundation features informative articles, links to international affiliates and literature on the tents of Islam.

Humanitarian & social services

The Foundation understands the needs and difficulties facing many members of the community, and has dedicated funds and resources specifically for the aim of providing assistance. Financial aid is given to those in dire need of support, as well as counselling for medical issues.